Our house goes on the market this week. We’ve been inviting valuations and listening to the ‘spin’ from those traditionally greatest at it – Estate Agents. We invited three of them in to talk to us and give us some ball park figures. Two quoted what I call ‘silly money’’ prices at us, and another was almost spot on our own estimate.
Subject to the aforementioned, Angie and I have elected to go with the first estate agent at a price we think is reasonable for the property and location. We could ask for more, but somehow that feels greedy and might possibly end up self defeating.
What with one thing and another, work on my MSS has ground to a complete standstill. I’ve been looking at the fragments and decided it needs a bit of a restructure. What I have is good solid stuff, but needs a move around rather than another rewrite. Use the old ‘flashback’ gag a bit more. The whole story feels like Icebergs drifting around the Arctic as winter sets in. Everything is there, but it just needs to cool a little more so that the story becomes a whole navigable mass.