Thursday, September 21, 2006

Illness tracking

Took today off sick as my bowels have been playing up. Constipation is followed by flatus and I find myself going back and forth to the toilet every twenty minutes or so. Almost like a hiccupping gastro colonic reflex. My knee needed a rest as well. All that walking is definitely taking its toll.

17:09 21/09/06
The sensation of pressure and discomfort in my lower right abdomen is now more or less continuous. I feel hot and sweaty every time I eat or drink. Sitting up is decidedly uncomfortable and I get referred discomfort (Not quite painful but almost so) in my lower right iliac fossa (Lower right abdomen, just inside the pelvis). Like a balloon swelling at one end when you push on the other. Very difficult to get comfortable.

18:40 21/09/06<
Had a light supper of a small portion of broccoli and potato bake earlier on which has helped to settle my digestion a little. My digestive system seems to be hyperactive and making more gurgling noises than a mad scientists chemistry set. Discomfort has eased slightly. I don’t know whether it’s the food or the lying down that has quieted matters down. Next Friday and my hospital appointment can't come soon enough for me. Will try a little yoghurt to see if that helps.

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