Driving home last night, Angie and I were having a giggle about what hoops we'd have to jump through in order to fire a cannon in the UK. In a moment of mirth, I came up with this list;
Volunteers have serviceable cannon which has been restored to working order, they go to Mayor for permission to have a regular noonday gun firing once a week during the summer months to help boost the local tourist trade
- Mayor agrees
- Local Tourism agrees
- Town Council agrees
- Local Businesses agree
- Local Police agree
- District Council contacted; hold Health and safety inspection on proposed site
- District Council environmental site assessment, pass on request to County Council
- MI5 background checks on these crazy people who want to play with antique firearms in public
- Volunteers sent on five day 'health and safety with explosives' course
- Medicals for Volunteers
- Psychiatric evaluations of Volunteers
- Firearms certificate demanded
- Volunteers all have to have expensive gun safe's installed at their homes to store black powder
- Police background checks on all volunteers
- Firearms licence granted
- At least six meetings to discuss possible environmental noise hazard of one loud bang
- Cannon inspection (Cannon sent to Birmingham for proof firing)
- Health & Safety meeting between Police and County Council re firing of cannon
- Another Health and safety site meeting between Police and District Council
- Police certificate required by Chief Constable's Office
- Environmental license required from District Council
- Planning permission required from County Council
- Performing rights licence required from District Council as this is a performance in a public space
- District Council health and safety site assessment for siting of warning signs
- County Council health and safety site assessment for siting of warning signs
- County Audit officer identifies area of duplication, requests cost cuts
- District Audit officer identifies area of duplication, requests cost cuts
- County & District health & safety officers meet to discuss demarcation
- Council Chief Executive demands action after complaints from Mayors office
- District & County Council Health & Safety liaison officer post created @ GBP35,000 p.a.
- Vandalism to cannon requires the refurbishment of the carriage
- Minority pressure groups protest proposed cannon firing (League against Cruel sports, Anti Islamic defamation league, PETA)
- Noise prevention officer files complaint from local residents
- County Council Health & Safety site visit
- Area coned off two days before proposed firing
- Volunteers interrogated for six hours by anti terrorist Police Officers, lose two volunteers for unpaid parking / speeding tickets
- Explosives licence obtained for black powder only
- Criminal records check on all volunteers before purchase of black powder allowed
- Ten kilo's of black powder purchased because EU regulations forbid smaller orders
- 40% blasting Gelignite sent by suppliers by mistake
- Anti Terrorist officers raid Volunteers private houses again
- Gelignite returned
- Black powder finally delivered to District Council in error
- District Council refuses delivery, passes order on to County Council
- County Council refuse black powder delivery as they have 'no facilities'
- Powder returned to suppliers
- Powder re ordered and delivered to Volunteers house
- Anti terrorist squad arrest all Volunteers until intervention of Mayors office
- Volunteers released without charge
- Cannon sited ready for noon day firing
- Cannon given parking ticket by over zealous Parking Attendant
- Cannon stolen and melted for scrap by illegal immigrants
- District, County Councils fine Volunteers for 'non-compliance' with Planning, Environmental; and performing orders
- Volunteers jailed
Compare this with the Canadian approach; I got asked this question last week; "Hey Martyn. Want to fire a cannon?"
Me; "Oh yes please"
"See you at the Bastion at eleven thirty on Tuesday."
My 'training' took ten minutes. I cleaned the cannon, made a charge, loaded and rammed the cannon, set the fuse and fired it. We fired the cannon at noon. I'm still chuckling.
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